Important Reading Terminology



Phonemic Awareness:   The ability to focus on and manipulate phonemes in words and syllables that are spoken.

Phonics:     The relationship between letters and letter combinations in written language and the individual sounds in spoken language.

 Fluency:     The ability to read as well as speak and to make sense of text without having to stop and decode each word.

Vocabulary:     The body of words that an individual knows and understands.

Comprehension:     The cognitive process that readers use to understand what they have read.

Phonemes:     The smallest units of sound in words.

Stretchy Sounds:     A sound that can be stretched without distorting it.

Bouncy Sounds:     A sound that can not be streched without distorting it.

Rate of Reading:     The speed at which a person reads written text.

Accuracy:     The ability to read without mistakes or errors.

Phrasing:     The grouping of words when reading aloud.

Intonation:     The rise and fall of the voice when speaking.

Expression:     The process of making known one's thoughts or feelings.

Conversational Vocabulary:     Vocabulary that is used on a regular basis.

Academic Vocabulary:     Written vocabulary learned through schooling that is abstract and taught by content area teachers.